NEW HAVEN, CT – Today New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker issued an emergency order to close any childcare center providing childcare services for more than twelve children. This emergency order follows the State of Emergency issued yesterday for the City of New Haven. In the interest of providing childcare services for healthcare workers during the public health emergency, the emergency order also states any childcare center providing childcare services for more than twelve children may provide childcare services for any child whose parent or legal guardian is employed as a healthcare provider.
“In a continued effort to protect the health of our residents, I am ordering that all daycare and childcare centers close as a result of the growing public health emergency surrounding COVID-19. We are still allowing childcare facilities to provide care for healthcare workers,” stated Mayor Elicker. “We have already closed public schools to prevent people from gathering. While children appear to be less likely to get seriously sick, they still can spread the virus, and therefore we believe it is critical from a public health perspective to close daycare and childcare centers as well. I realize that this will add another burden to families and care providers. We have weighed this risk and strongly believe this is the right public health decision. We are in a State of Emergency in New Haven,” reminded Mayor Elicker, “and it is critical that we limit interaction with others, promote social distancing, and keep our children from congregating in large crowds.”
Read below for the full text of the order. Follow this link: http://bit.ly/nhvchildcare to view the document.
WHEREAS, on March 10, 2020, the Governor of the State of Connecticut declared a public health emergency and a civil preparedness emergency for the State of Connecticut, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Sections 19a-131 and 28-9, in response to the global pandemic of COVID-19 disease associated with a novel coronavirus that is currently affecting multiple countries and states; and,
WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, the President of the United States declared a national emergency to combat the coronavirus that is currently infecting the population of the United States; and
WHEREAS, on March 15, 2020, the Mayor of the City of New Haven, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Sections 28-8a(a), 28-1(8), and 28-22, and Chapter 11, Section 11-23 et. seq. of the Code of General Ordinances of the City of New Haven, declared a state of emergency , due to the significant danger to public health posed by the spread of COVID-19 and shortages of supplies and equipment necessary to protect the public health and safety, and the spread of COVID-19 to at least one resident of the City of New Haven as a result of the global pandemic; and
WHEREAS, due to the significant adverse impact on public health of COVID-19, the Mayor must take action for the purpose of ensuring civil preparedness and mitigating the adverse effects of this emergency situation upon the residents of New Haven; and
WHEREAS, among best practices and prescribed measures of mitigation in light of this public health emergency is social distancing; and
WHEREAS, the powers granted by Connecticut General Statutes Sections 28-8a(a), 28-1(8), and 28-22, and Chapter 11, Sections 6, 7 and 11-23 et. seq. of the Code of General Ordinances of the City of New Haven, proclaim said Mayor to have and exercise all executive and administrative powers conferred upon any municipal chief executive; and
WHEREAS, the duties assigned by the City Charter to the Mayor of the City of New Haven require said Mayor to cause the Charter, the Ordinances and laws to be executed and enforced, and to conserve the peace within the City. The Mayor shall be responsible for the good order and efficient government of the City; and
WHEREAS, in response to the issuance of declarations of a public health emergency and a civil preparedness emergency, a declaration of national emergency and the spread of COVID-19 to a resident of the City of New Haven; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City and People of New Haven to promote public health and to mitigate the impacts of the pending public health emergency posed by the spread of COVID-19.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that, pursuant to the powers and duties granted in the Connecticut General Statutes and the Code of Ordinances of the City of New Haven, in response to the public health emergency now facing the City of New Haven, and in accordance with the advice from the City’s public health officials, effective on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. any and all child care centers providing child care services for more than 12 children, as defined in Connecticut General Statutes 19a-77 et seq., shall be closed.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FURTHER HEREBY PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that, in the interest of providing critically needed child care services for health care providers during this public health emergency, any child care center providing child care services for more than 12 children, including child care centers operated by acute care hospitals licensed pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes 19a-368v, or affiliates of such licensed hospitals, may continue to provide child care services for any child whose parent or legal guardian is employed as a health care provider, defined as “any individual who delivers care and services to the sick and ailing, as doctors, nurses, aides, helpers, transporters, technicians, pharmacists, and environmental services”; and
IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that, order shall remain in effect until September 16, 2020, (the” effective period”) unless amended or earlier terminated; and
IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that this order will be made publicly available for inspection and review in the Office of the Town Clerk of the City of New Haven and shall be posted on the City of New Haven website.