Connecticut Interagency Drought Workgroup: Litchfield, Hartford, Tolland, and Windham Counties Are Experiencing Stage 2 Drought Conditions

Hartford, CT – With precipitation across Connecticut three to seven inches below normal over the last 90 days, the state’s Interagency Drought Workgroup has announced that the four northern counties (Litchfield, Hartford, Tolland, and Windham) are experiencing Stage 2 Drought conditions. Under the state’s new drought plan adopted in 2018, Stage 2 has replaced the…

City of Bridgeport Police Department Announce Partnership with Liberation Programs to Improve Community Relations While Addressing Substance Use Disorders

Bridgeport, CT – Chief of Police Perez, Assistant Chief Garcia, Health Director Morrissey, and Council President Aidee Nieves were joined by Council members and Liberation Programs at Washington Park to announce a partnership that will provide necessary connections to address addiction and mental health in the City of Bridgeport. Onsite Liberation Programs staff are committed…

City of Bridgeport Awarded 4,000 Federal Grant to Improve Port Security and Water Rescue Equipment

Bridgeport, CT – Mayor Ganim, Bridgeport Federal delegation members, EOC Director Scott Appleby, Bridgeport Fire Chief Thode, and Police Department members joined to announce that the City of Bridgeport has been awarded a $433,616 federal grant to improve port security and water rescue equipment to ensure that the city’s security infrastructure is established, and able…

Sacred Heart University receives ,000 grant toward new “flex-learn” model

Davis Educational Foundation award is funding new pandemic teaching model FAIRFIELD, Conn.—The Davis Educational Foundation has awarded Sacred Heart University a $25,000 grant for new class procedures beginning in the fall semester. The University’s SHU-Flex model will give students the choice to attend live, on-campus classes or live-stream classes from elsewhere. Students also will be…

HCC Art Professor Lydia Viscardi Opens New Show on August 28  Solo art exhibition at Five Points Gallery: “Here and Hereafter”

TORRINGTON, CT – Housatonic Community College (HCC) studio art adjunct professor Lydia Viscardi will present “Here and Hereafter,” a solo exhibition of mixed media painting and works on paper at Five Points Gallery from August 28 – October 3, 2020. The gallery, located at 33 Main St. in Torrington, CT, is free and open to…

Connecticut Food Bank to Distribute Food for 7,500 Meals August 20 in Milford at Cornerstone Christian Center

Wallingford, CT – Connecticut Food Bank and Cornerstone Christian Center will hold a drive-through food distribution at Cornerstone Christian Center, 349 Wheelers Farms Road in Milford on Thursday, August 20, from 5:30PM to 7:30PM. This event will provide enough food for approximately 7,500 meals. The distribution will be a contactless, drive-through event, to follow social…